Monday, December 27, 2010

Bizarre World Records

Bizarre World Records

The most spoons balanced on the face is 16 and was achieved by Joe Allison (United Kingdom), aged 9, in Devon, United Kingdom, on 1 April 2008.
Ken Edwards of Glossop, Derbyshire, England ate 36 cockroaches in one minute on the set of The Big Breakfast, London, England on March 5, 2001.
Cindy Jackson, aged 53, (USA) has had at least 47 cosmetic procedures, including nine full scale surgical operations since 1988.
Using a computer and four blank keyboards, and without looking at the screen, Michele Santelia (Italy) typed backwards 67 books (3,503,013 words, 19,760,936 characters , 23.198 pages, 263,931 paragraphs, 499,554 lines) in their original languages including The Odyssey, Macbeth, The Vulgate Bible, the Guinness World Records Book 2002, and the Dead Sea Scrolls in Ancient Hebrew.
Fastest time to escape a zipped suitcase was 7.04 seconds achieved by Leslie Tipton (USA) on 31 May 2008.
Xie Qiuping has the world's longest hair, at over 16 feet. Her hair is so long that she must wear it in a tiara on her head and travel with an attendant.
The Guinness World Record for the loudest scream by an individual is a thundering 129 decibels, set in London in 2000 by Jill Drake, from Tenterden, Kent.

Michel Lotito (aka Monsieur Mangetout) from Grenoble, France, has been eating metal and glass since 1959. His diet since 1966 included 18 bicycles, 15 supermarket trolleys, seven TV sets, six chandeliers, two beds, a pair of skis, a low-calorie Cessna light aircraft and a computer. He is said to have provided the only example in history of a coffin (handles and all) ending up inside a man.

Christian Adam of Lübeck, Germany, has a current world record for cycling backwards with a violin for 60.45 kilometres (37.56 miles) in 5 hours, 9 minutes.

Lluis Colet, a 62-year-old Catalan and local government worker spoke for 5 straight days and 4 nights to set the record in the southern French town of Perpignan.