Saturday, January 1, 2011

2 Ways To Add Google Reader Items To Calendar

2 Ways To Add Google Reader Items To Calendar

As one of the best web apps to make to-do lists, Google Calendar can be more powerful with some extra usages.

For example, Google Calendar doesn’t have any functions for you to add Google Reader items, but we can still do that with the following two ways.

I. Add Google Reader items to Calendar directly

This is the most easy way to add Google Reader items to Calendar, just 3 steps:

1. Create a custom link

On the “Send To” setting page, create a custom link with below information:

  • Name: Google Calendar
  • URL:${title}&details=${url}
  • Icon URL:

2. Send the Reader items to Google Calendar

Open the items in your Reader and send them to Google Calendar directly.

3. Save Google Calendar

When you send an item to Google Calendar, a new event with the item title and URL will opened in a calendar window, and you can edit the event, then save it.

II. Add Google Reader items to Calendar indirectly

Besides directly, you can also add Google Reader items to Calendar indirectly with the following three steps:

1. Send Google Reader items to your Gmail

Open the items you want to send to Google Calendar, and then send them to your Gmail account.

2. Add the emails to

Open the items in your Gmail, and then add them to tasks, which will appear in your Calendar sidebar too.

3. Set the due dates of the tasks with Google Calendar

Select the tasks in your Google Calendar, and add due dates to them, then the tasks will appear inside your Calendar. To read the Google Reader items, you can just click the “Related email” links.

III. The advantages and shortcomings of the two ways

Between the above two ways, its hard to say which one is better, since both of them are not perfect.

1. The advantage and shortcoming of the direct way

The advantage of the direct way is that you can add the Google Reader items to Calendar directly and quickly, and the shortcoming is that you can only add the original URLs of the items to your Calendar.

2. The advantage and shortcoming of the indirect way

The advantage of this indirect way is that you can read the items in your Gmail, instead to paste their URLs in your browser address bar, and the shortcoming is that it is not as fast as the direct way.